πŸ“† How to spend your first 90 days as a PM (and more) - SIP #13

This week's highlights:

🎨 Design in 2022
πŸ“† How to Spend Your First 90 Days
πŸ€– What is a product-centric organization?
​and more.

One of main goals of May is to bring back the consistency here on the newsletter.

It's always tough juggling a variety of tasks as a PM, but that also means trying to ruthlessly prioritize. And I will work towards making sure I can deliver amazing PM content to your inbox every two weeks.

Also, we are a month into the new quarter, hope all PMs have their KPI's set up.


🎨 Design in 2022​

The world is changing.

The problems we are trying to solve are also different. Remote and distributed work is here to stay.

As we start to work and collaborate across timezones, there is a high chance we will need to start working across multiple languages as well. Gone are the days where products and services support one to two primary languages. We are going more global and that is true for design as well.

Localization is becoming key. As product managers are working on collaboration tools or tools that connect individuals across borders, thinking about global design becomes even more important.

In the blog post, Sophie talks about how teams are becoming more international, and so are the tools and languages used.


πŸ“† How to Spend Your First 90 Days​

Being a PM is daunting enough.

It's very easy to go in hoping to be the one making changes from Day 2 (we all need one day for onboarding πŸ˜‰).

Yet it is important to have a detailed plan for your first few months at a new job. This is important from both the employer and employee perspective. Companies with established product departments are investing more and more in ensuring onboarding is a much smoother process for new joiners.

Having a plan for the first 90 days is crucial to not feel flooded by possibilities and stress right as you join. While not the same for every job, the takeaways in the post are widely applicable.

Day 0-30: Breadth Over Depth

Day 30-60: Dive Deep

Day 60-90: Show, Don't Tell

The blog post also shares a detailed checklist for how to manage your 30/60/90 day timeline when joining a new company as a PM.

πŸ€– What is a product-centric organization?​

What does it mean to become product-centric?

In a nutshell, product-centric companies are looking to develop and guide their market strategy using their products. Growth plans are primarily focussed on product growth and evolution.

Check out the blog post to test if you are part of a product-centric organization.


Book of the Week:

​Measure What Matters by John Doerr

Measure What Matters

Staying true to quarterly theme, the book of the week is an interesting read into understanding OKRs.

Doerr, shares an interesting introduction to the the concept of OKR and goal setting for organizations. This can be very helpful if you are a new PM trying to step up their KR/KPI setting game.


Job Board:

Entry - ​Associate Product Manager @ Braze​
Intermediate - Product Manager, Ambient Sensing for Wellness Research @ Google​
Advanced - Group Product Manager, Engagement Platform @ Dropbox​


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Parv Sondhi

Product Manager by Day & Writer by Night

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